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Marrying a US Citizen Immigration Lawyer

Posted by Leah T. Wills | Feb 11, 2023 | 0 Comments

Can I get a green card if I am married to a US citizen?

If you are foreign and married to a USA citizen you can apply for a marriage based green card which can lead to US citizenship, even if you are currently overstaying in the US or an illegal immigrant. However, certain criminal offences and bad moral character could have a very negative effect on your application so you may want to speak to a lawyer first to see if you should apply.

How long do I have to be married to a US citizen before I can apply for citizenship?

You can apply to become a US citizen three years after getting a marriage based green card, but if the marriage breaks down before the three years you may still be able to adjust to citizenship in some circumstances.

Can my children apply for the right to be in the US with me under my marriage visa application?

Under the marriage visa application your unmarried children who are under twenty one years old could apply so that they can live, work or study in the USA. There may also be other visa options available if they are married and/or over twenty one years including for their husbands or wives and children.

When can I start work once I am married to a US citizen?

Often people can work after the visa application is made with a temporary work permit issued by immigration authorities, which can later become a right to work if the green card is granted.

How important is it that I show my marriage is genuine?

One of the most important considerations is whether your marriage seems genuine to the immigration authorities. If it does not, your application can be denied. This is why many people hire a lawyer because even when a marriage is in fact genuine it is important that it seems genuine to the immigration officer assessing your case.

Can I apply for a marriage based green card if I have overstayed?

If you have overstayed in the US, and then get married to a US citizen you may still be able to get a marriage based green card. However, individual circumstances have to be carefully considered to avoid a negative impact.

If I am in deportation removal proceedings and I get married to a US citizen, can this stop the deportation?

No. The marriage by itself is unlikely to stop the deportation although taken together with other circumstances it could be a factor the judge takes into consderation to allow you to stay. So long as the judge does not determine that the marriage is a fraud.

Contact The Law Office of Leah T. Wills Pllc for an  initial FREE consultation on 1 888 524 9776. We are happy to listen and here to try to help.

The Law Office of Leah T. Wills Pllc. 

All information in this blog is for general information purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice or direction for any individual situation. The information on this blog does not create an attorney-client relationship.


About the Author

Leah T. Wills

The Law Office of Leah T. Wills Pllc is owned by the CEO Leah Wills. Attorney Wills was admitted to the New York Bar in 2004 to practice law and admitted as a Solicitor Lawyer Of England & Wales in 2003. She has a transatlantic wealth of experience that combines English style with New York zeal. ...


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The Law Office of Leah T. Wills PLLC
11 Broadway, Suite 615,
New York, NY 10004
1 888-524-9776
The Law Office of Leah T. Wills PLLC
11 Broadway, Suite 615,
New York, NY 10004
1 888-524-9776
